
Upon returning from this scene of catastrophic doom,
The dragon proudly made his entrance to that holy room.
The Lord proclaimed, “You’ve seen my servant – how he has not sinned.”
“You’ve taken from him all he has, and yet his praise won’t end.”


The dragon, with a wily grin remarked, “It’s just the same;”
“If You’ll allow his health to fail, he’ll curse Your very name.”
“Let it be done,” the King replied. “Do with him as you will;”
“Pain and suffering may abide – but him, you shall not kill.”


In glee, the dragon set upon his grisly newfound task.
With painful boils, he struck his foe; wine from a bitter cask.
In anguish did the man of God upon soft ashes lie,
While list’ning to his bride’s advice to “just curse God and die.”


“Can one accept the best from God and not receive the harm?”
“Is’t not His right to give them both through His same holy arm?”
Through all, this good and righteous man refrained from doing wrong.
And held steadfast in faith, did he, so resolute and strong.


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