
Then Job cried out to God and said: “I know You can do all;
“No purpose of Yours can be altered, neither large nor small.
“You asked, ‘Who’s hiding counsel without knowledge?’” said the man;
“Therefore I uttered things I simply did not understand;”

“Things too wonderful for me, of which I did not know,”
Our smitten man responded with his head and heart bowed low.

“Lord, listen, please, and let me speak;” now Job took up this plea,
“You said, ‘Now I will question you, and you shall answer Me.’
“I’ve heard of You by hearing of the ear; yet now I’ve seen.
“Myself, I loathe; repent do I in dust, and ashes mean.”

After speaking as He did to Job, the Lord then turned toward
Eliphaz the Temanite, with tongue sharp as a sword:
“My wrath is raised against you now, and also your friends too,
My servant Job has spoken of Me what is right and true.”

“But you yourselves have spoken of me words that were not right,”
The Lord continued to address this trembling Temanite;
“Quickly, to My servant Job, you are now required to bring,
“Seven bulls and seven rams – a holy offering.”

“My servant Job shall pray for you; his prayer, I’ll hear and bless,
“Lest I then deal with you according to your foolishness;
“For none of you have spoken of Me what is true and right,
“As has My servant Job,” the Lord said to the Temanite.

With fear and trembling, Job’s three friends then hastened to obey;
A gracious Job forgave his friends and for them humbly prayed.
For Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar pleaded he by name –
That God would thus forgive their sins, removing all their blame.

And as he prayed for all his friends, Job’s life the Lord restored.
Indeed, the Lord bestowed on Job twice what he had before.

Then all his brothers, sisters, and all those that knew him prior,
Came to console and comfort for adversity so dire.
They came to eat and fellowship just as they had of old;
Each one gave a piece of silver and a ring of gold.

The Lord now blessed Job’s latter years more than he had his first;
Job neither hungered for his food, nor for good drink did thirst.
Sheep and oxen, camels, donkeys given by the thousands,
All of these provided for through vast abundant lands.

The Lord, receiving Job’s ten children in eternity,
Gave Job now seven brand new sons – and daughters, gave him three.
The first, he named Jemimah and the next named he Keziah,
The third, he named Keren-Happuch, so lovely to the eye.

Women of incomparable beauty – far and wide, no others;
And to these daughters gave Job an endowment with their brothers.
Years of life, the Lord gave Job one hundred forty more.
So blessed, saw he his grandchildren through generation four.

And after this, Job came to rest, quite old and full of days.
The Lord had given and taken away; His holy Name be praised!


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